Dog care is the most vital point when to think of getting one. You take the dog on walks. If you are not willing to do that, don’t get a dog because the exercise involved with walking is just as crucial as housetraining.
When the dog is very young, take her out every hour while you are home. Please wait a few minutes, let her sniff around. If she pees or poops praise her with petting, saying things in a friendly voice, or a small training treat.
If not, take her out in another hour. If the dog pees inside (expect this to happen at least once), clean it thoroughly with a pet cleaning spray. Otherwise, he will smell the pee and think it is OK to go inside. Get a crate (size-appropriate cage) to put him in when you are not there.
Once she gets the idea, you can take her out less often but still do it regularly when you are home. Many dogs will learn how to “ask” to go out with behavior like standing by the door and staring at you.
You could even put a small bell on the door that the dog can ring (though in dogs with compulsive tendencies, this can become annoying). Make sure to clean up poop with a bag and throw it in a dumpster or outdoor garbage can. Leaving it lying around is disgusting and will make your neighbors upset!
Know Some More Points On Dog Care
2) Get two dog bowls (any bowl large enough will do). Keep one full of water, and rinse it, so it doesn’t get grimy. Buy good dog food. Avoid anything you see advertised on TV as it is usually corn-based. Look for “no-corn, no-wheat, no-soy” on the package since those ingredients cause digestive problems, hyperactivity, and obesity in many dogs.
The only parts should be meats, beans, rice, fruits, and veggies. Added vitamins and minerals are right, but most other things are a gimmick. Feed the amount given on the bag for a dog that size, usually split into two feedings per day. Get puppy food for the first year, then switch to adult food. If it is a large breed dog, use plentiful breed food.
A dog bed is beautiful, but not strictly necessary. An old blanket will do. Having chew toys is very important because puppies will chew things, it’s just a matter of what they will eat.
Dogs are a lot of work but are worth it since they will give you a lot more affection and loyalty than other pets.
Is It Tough To Practice Taking Care Of The Furry Friend?
No, a dog – is not – challenging to take – care of. Please be sure that you do want him, and that it is not just a fleeting whim. Please also be sure that you can afford to take care of him properly. I don’t mean to sound rude, but it does take a little finance to take care of him the way he deserves.
He will need more than just shelter, water, and a few dog pellets tossed in a bowl; he will need regular vet visits, good quality food, clean water, chew toys, warm, comfortable bedding, good quality walking harness. He will need warmth, safety and protection, and love, Lots of love and appreciation.