Pet brushes are a must-have for pet owners. We cannot and will not ever get around to cleaning our dog’s teeth on our own. Most often we find ourselves having to take them to the vet’s clinic. At least let them out to go potty, which means that we can’t brush them just as we do our own.
Pet Toothbrushes
There are basic types such as the Squeak Brush, there is a wide variety available. It includes the brush for dogs that are spayed or neutered, and there are even brush styles specifically designed for certain breeds. Pet brush types also come in different styles and thicknesses. They may be flexible or stiff, with the one that is stiff more like a regular toothbrush, while the other is soft and has a bristled end.
You should know what type of brush you have before you take it to the vet. You can get the right toothbrush to brush your dog’s teeth on. If you cannot find out this information, there are a few steps you can take to avoid the situation. You need to use an expensive pet brush when you have your dog’s teeth cleaned.
Check your pet brush first for anodization, which means that it is made of aluminum. Aluminum is a soft metal that can easily break down into oxide over time. Many other types of pet brushes will not work well if they have anodized coating. As an alternative, you can go to the store and buy a stiffer brush, like nylon, that will be easier to brush the loose debris out of your dog’s teeth.
Bristle Type
Also check for hard plastic bristles, as these are not good for brush cleaning. Some types of pet brushes may have soft bristles, which makes them easier to clean. Some soft brushes are specifically designed for rough and shiny teeth and may be the best choice if you want to use a pet brush.
If you have an older dog, you may not be able to find a high-quality brush that will work well. If you want a high-quality pet brush, there are some options to consider.
Some pet brush materials are better than others. If you cannot find a pet brush made of bristles that are as flexible as nylon, they may not be good enough for your dog. You will also want to look for pet brushes that come with an adjustable head. You can choose ahead that is right for your dog.
Synthetic Bristles
You may also be able to find a pet brush that is constructed with synthetic bristles that are closer to the hard plastic bristles of other types of pet brushes. This is something that is great for brushing the harder to reach places of your dog’s teeth. It can still be soft enough for you to handle.
The choice of what type of pet brush you want to use is just as important as choosing what type of dog toothbrush you want to use. For example, if you have small to medium sized dogs, you will want to use a brush that is designed for them.
Other options that you may want to consider include soft brushes that are more difficult to clean. If you have very dirty, stained teeth, a soft brush may be perfect for you. On the other hand, if you have just a few light stains or discoloration you can get away with using the regular toothbrush that everyone else uses.
If you have a small dog that is prone to accidents, you may want to consider a hand-held pet brush that is water-based. This type of brush will not stain your dog’s fur. It will work well to gently clean your dog’s teeth without causing damage. If you are using this type of brush for teeth cleaning, make sure that you use a disinfectant to wipe down the brush after every use to ensure that your dog’s teeth are not left untreated.
Bottom Line
There are many different types of pet brushes that you can choose from. All of which are designed to clean your dog’s teeth. The most important thing is to understand what you are looking for when you decide to purchase a pet brush. If you want a pet brush that will perform daily brushing tasks, be sure to read the label and find a brush that does this.