Puppies are very cute. People who love pets adore their puppies. They are good to cuddle and hug. But what happens when they go wild? They chew things. They defecate around the house and bark too much. Sometimes, they go out of control and that time you need to discipline puppies. At such times, one should contemplate punishing them. Punishing the puppies in a kind and firm tone is the key. Dogs will never understand your anger. At the same time, he should know that he has behaved badly. With thorough research, scientists have proved that puppies respond more to positive re-enforcement rather than aggression.
Discipline Puppies
Do not skip a punishment. If he behaves badly on Monday, you punish him. On Tuesday, make sure you do not let the same issue slide. You should remind the puppy that he is wrong. He may get confused if you behave differently every time. Remember, check the puppy at the spot. Do not scold him ten minutes later for chewing your notebook. He will not understand your point. Promptness is important. Just like children, puppies need tender love. We need to treat them now and then for their good behavior. They should know that their obedience gets them treats. Isolation is the biggest punishment for a puppy. They hate being alone. If he is chewing and nibbling too much, check them right away. They can be sent to a corner. You should not pay attention to the puppy. He will understand that you are annoyed. Next time, he will refrain from such acts. Few puppies also suffer from separation anxiety. If you are not at home, they may act rowdy. The neighbors may complain of constant barking. But slowly, as the puppy will grow up he will understand. Excessive barking can be annoying. You should check if he has some medical problems.
Wrong-Way Of Punishing A Puppy
The puppies do not understand aggression. Shouting and yelling will be unnecessary. On the contrary, they will become hyperactive. They will jump around and be anxious. And they can also harm anyone if they pent up too much. It is important to have patience if you decide to keep a pet. Do not drag or pull the puppy.
They do not respond well to physical assault. They may attack you. A major problem is if a dog defecates all around the house. It is the smelliest of problems. Usually, dogs have a regular digestive system. His timings are almost the same every day. He can be taken out of the house at that time. He will know he has to poop and pee outside. Then you are not home you can train him to defecate in his prescribed place. This way, he will not mess around the house. A new puppy parent may find it difficult to discipline. At times it can be very frustrating. gradually, there will be coordination between the owner and the puppy. Love and fun replace frustration.