Great Dane Dog Breed – Characteristics Facts Temperament And Health

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Great Dane Dogs are known for their height. Great Danes are the tallest of all dog breeds, but they don’t actually take up more space than other large dogs like Labrador Retrievers or Mastiffs because it’s in proportion to their body size. Great Danes may not be best suited for apartment living due to their size, energy level, shedding habits, and need for frequent grooming.

Great Dane Facts

A close up of a dog

The Great Dane dog is one of the tallest dog breeds in the world. Great Danes love attention and affection, so they make excellent family pets because they enjoy being around people. Great Danes are also very gentle with children. Great Danes are sweet-natured, patient, and devoted companions who enjoy an extensive amount of outdoor exercise.

Great Danes live well in city homes as long as they’re given enough space to roam and many frequent walks on a leash. Great Danes do not drool and they rarely bark. Great Danes don’t need a great deal of grooming, just a brush every now and then which will reduce shedding up to 90%. Great Danes live for an average of ten-twelve years. Great Danes have a lifespan of about eight to ten years. Great Dane dogs can suffer from bloat, ear infections, and hip dysplasia. Great Dane dog owners must be patient when training them. Great Dane puppies take up a lot of space due to their height and Great Dane dogs grow quickly, so Great Dane dog parents must be patient when training Great Dane puppies because Great Dane dogs grow quickly. Great Danes need a lot of exercises and Great Dane dog parents must be patient when training Great Dane puppies.

The Great Dane breed is known for its size, intelligence, and regal appearance. The Great Dane dogs stand tall with an impressive body frame that is not too heavy. Great Dane puppies will grow quickly and Great Dane dog owners must be patient when training Great Dane puppies because they grow up fast. Great Danes are sweet-natured, patient, and devoted companions who enjoy an extensive amount of outdoor exercise. Great Danes do not drool. Great Danes bark lightly. Great Danes are also very gentle with children. Great Dane facts state that Great Danes live well in city homes as long as Great Danes are given enough space to roam and Great Dane dogs are given frequent walks on a leash.

Great Dane – Temperament & Health

A woman sitting on a bed with a laptop

The Great Dane is a multifaceted dog with a gentle and loving temperament. Great Danes have a very sedate nature and are not hyperactive in any way. They are not overly vocal, but they can be barking when there is a need for that. Great Danes are also known for being rather calm when they reach maturity. Great Danes have been referred to as “gentle giants” due to their large size and calm nature. In spite of their incredibly big size, Great Dane dogs are not always well-suited to living in smaller spaces or apartments since they need plenty of room to roam about in order to stretch their muscles, which can lead to high levels of anxiety when left alone in an unfamiliar environment for extended periods of time. Great Danes are known to love people and to enjoy the company of children, although it is important for Great Dane parents to keep in mind that this dog breed has a large amount of energy and should be supervised around children. Great Danes tend to be laid-back and loving with other dogs, but there have been Great Danes that have been dog-aggressive. Great Danes are known to be sensitive and should not be treated harshly. Great Danes are also known to be very social dogs that love meeting new people. Great Danes are loyal dogs and will make great family pets. Great Danes are also known to be very patient and docile, which makes them good for people who have never owned a dog before. Great Danes are also known to be incredibly tolerant of pain and discomfort, which means they can put up with a lot from children.

Great Dane dogs are massive and majestic creatures. Great Danes live well in city homes as long as Great Danes are given enough space to roam and Great Dane dogs are given frequent walks on a leash. Great Danes do not drool, bark lightly, or need grooming often. Great Danes can suffer from bloat, ear infections, and hip dysplasia like other breeds of dog but they have an average life span of eight-ten years with some living up to 12 years! If you’re looking for a calm companion who will love your kids despite their size then look no further than the Great Dane breed – the gentle giant!

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