Three-week-old puppies are funny puppies. Puppies at this age can hardly manage to do anything but behave like an adult one. It is always fun to keep pets at home. Many people keep various animals as a pet as tortoise, rabbit, cat, dog, and the list continues. But in most of the houses across the world, we will find dogs as pets. Dog are funny creatures and are the most trustworthy ones. If one has a dog at home, it is a full-time job because dogs keep their owners on toes. Apart from this, they also make their owners’ life simple. Therefore it a great option to keep dogs at home
Weaning Puppies When They Are Three Weeks Old
Small puppies at this age feed on their mother in every three to four hours interval. If they have a problem taking their mother’s nipple, then one needs to feed them through a bottle. After this age, one can quickly wean the puppies, which means that they give other food apart from mother’s milk. But for weaning the puppies, one must prepare the food at home.
Development In Three Week Old Puppies
At this age, the puppies start gaining strength. They start standing, sitting wobbling, and doing all the entertaining activities around. They also begin teething when they are three weeks old. At this time, they start socializing. One needs to keep them away from other dogs until the age of eight weeks. One also needs to take them to the veterinarian regularly.
How To Take Care Of The Funny Puppies?
Puppies at the age of three weeks start walking. Therefore, they become very curious. They start playing in the rain and running after butterflies at this time. Dogs are high maintenance creatures. They need lots of care from their owners. When they are small i.e., when they are puppies at this age, they need maximum care and attention. The puppies need to go to the doctor more often. They also have a fixed eating and sleeping routine. At an early age, they can be more troublesome and funny at the same time. But before becoming a dog’s owner, one must learn to take care of them.
Bathing Age Of The Puppies
When the puppies are three weeks old, they are likely to be smelly. But at this time they are not in the age of bathing. Their bathing age starts for eight weeks. They start bathing late because, before this period, they cannot regulate their body temperature; therefore, it can be dangerous for them. Thus before the bathing age, one can use a damp cloth to wipe them.
Like a human child, puppies also need care and full attention. Therefore an owner needs to be prompt in his actions while staying with puppies. Regular veterinarian visits and proper weaning is necessary. It is also essential to keep them warm and comfortable throughout the period. Many puppies cannot survive the changes in the environment; therefore, the owner should be aware of it. All-in-all, puppies are fun to be with, and they make the house even more lively with their presence.